Mar 19, 2008 15:44
So, here I sit waiting for my boss to come help me. He's too busy talking to retarded sales people. So I shall waste my last 16 minutes at work doing this.
I am beginning to get excited for this summer. I hope it's a hot, long, dry summer. Just what i need. And if all pollen could just disappear this summer, that would be nice too. Why summer will be great: Chicago, Chelan camping trip, a promised concert at the Gorge (Gorge Virgin....don't laugh), Hawaii possibly, and a trip to Europe. And those are just the mostly-for-sure things. YES.
He's still talking to sales men.
I finally got a big raise. I make the big bucks now, and it's fantastic. I can finally afford to do things! And i can save to buy a house! Hooray!!
9 minutes. typing slowly...
I think I'll nap tonight. ZZZzzzzZzzzZz
This was pointless.