Konichiwa, new people! I'm Tachibana An, but you can call me An. I attend Fudomine Kottogakko here in Tokyo. We only have the high school because my brother "saved" the life of a drug lord, who built the schoon Kippei's honor (long story). We even have a Buddha fountain outside that strangely resembles Onii-chan. Gosh. I'd really hate it if that thing disappeared. Please don't take it.! Ahem. >>
I love to cook, play tennis and have fun. Let me know if you're game.
I'm fukubuchou of the girls' tennis team, but let me tell you a bit about the boys' team. It's all about the guys in my fandom.
First you have the captain. That'd be my brother, Tachibana Kippei. He's an awesome tennis player. *__* He looks like a yakuza in this fanart.
Kippei is an all-around style player (very rare) and can do just about anything. He has a lot of power and speed plus ball control. When he really lets go, he releases his Moujou (wild beast) aura which is what I'd call a more chaotic version of Muga no Kyouchi. He's best known for that, his Abare Jishi (Wild Lion) technique, Super Rising shots and his Abare dama (wild ball) which gives the optical illusion of many balls at once. He...doesn't use the Abare dama much. >>
There's all sorts of stories about why Kippei started dying his hair. I say he did it because back when he was one of the Two Wings of Kyuushuu, he really bought into that whole "Wild Lion" nickname and wanted to play into it. Either that, or he was afraid he'd be mistaken for Sen-nii (that's Chitose Senri to you folks out there).
I could tell you loads more about my brother, but I think I'll save that for when I'm in a blackmailing mood. One last thing, don't listen to him if he tells you he can cook. And never, ever, EVER eat his ramen. o_O
This is Kamio Akira, fukubuchou of the boys' team. He's also TAKEN. So HANDS OFF. He's another awesome tennis player. Akira is all about speed and rhythm on the court. Though his style's considered counter-punching, it's different than a lot of counter-punchers you'll see. Akira is lightning fast. He doesn't need to wait for you to make mistakes, he can make them happen to you.
Akira is equally at home playing singles or doubles (usually paired with either Ibu-kun or Ishida-kun).
He specializes in speed and rhythm--no one is better at this, has a super fast return he calls the Sonic Bullet (super fast slice). He and Ishida-kun worked really hard two years ago when the middle school team went to Nationals. Both of them secretly learned and mastered Kippei's moujou.
I could go on and on about Akira. Just so you know, he's the best dancer ever and a great cook.
This guy is Ibu Shinji, Fudomine's tennis tensai. He has the best spin control of anyone I've met. It's due to him that I learned (though not as well) his Spot technique. Ibu-kun is equally at home playing singles or doubles (there's a bit of a rivalry between him and Akira over who plays Singles Two and who plays Singles Three). They're best friends, but both competitive as anything. ^_^
Shinji has a tricksy specialty called The Spot that's achieved through alternating spins on his returns. This puts a lot of wear and tear on the opponent's arm, temporarily paralyzing it. He's also mastered the kick serve. Ibu-kun is another counter-puncher, but more the lying in wait, patient sort you associate with that play style.
We tease Ibu-kun a lot about playing bishonen tennis. It's true! Every move looks like a pose (a beautiful one), never a hair is out of place (even at the end when he's dripping sweat--heck, he even makes that look good). Ibu-kun is master of the dirty look, which only encourages everyone more.
He tends to say what he's thinking all the time. A lot of people drown him out, but he's really smart and funny as anything if you listen to him. Oh, and he really loves pickles. Periodically, I make him up a crock of them.
This is Ishida Tetsu. His brother, Gin, plays for Shitenhouji in Osaka. Both of them are incredibly strong and powerful players. Ishida-kun is an aggressive baseliner. If I want to play someone scary powerful, I ask Ishida-kun for a game. He has a special return called Hadoukyuu which very few people have ever returned. When he first learned it, Kippei wouldn't allow him to use it because Ishida-kun was still growing and might damage his bones and joint plates. He gets to use it a little more now, and keeps learning new variations from his brother. Ishida-kun almost always plays doubles. His normal partner is Sakurai-kun, though he also teams up with Akira.
He gets teased a lot about that dourag on his head. He admires his brother a lot, and keeps his head shaved just like Ishida-san does, except Ishida Kun manages to pull it off.
He's a huge guy, with a great smile and sense of humor. Back in the day, he used to stand around without his jersey on and flex his muscles. Show-off. ^_^
This quiet fellow is Sakurai Masaya. Sakurai-kun is a serve and volley style player. This makes him a great doubles partner for Ishida-kun. He's our doubles specialist. He has a great eye for the game and the ball. He has a terrific serve with an incredible amount of top spin (more than most people his age ever manage).
Sakurai-kun is very sweet and puts up with us teasing him about his "hair fangs."
Next we have Mori Tatsunori. Mori-kun's the practical joker of the team. If you want to find out who put itching powder in your shorts, look no further than him. Because I would never ever EVER do such a thing. >>
Well, okay, he's been my partner in crime on more than one occasion.
Mori-kun is a good steady aggressive baseliner. He's a great match for Hat-kun, who tends to get excitable when he's playing. The two of them are great friends.
Hat-kun (Uchimura Kyousuke) is proof that great things come in small packages. Like Sakurai-kun, Hat-kun is a serve and volley specialist. He's a firecracker on the court--Fudomine's vanguard killer--and a pussycat off it (unless Mori-kun's been teasing him too much). His returns are twisty and spinny, with the result that to an opponent they look like they're going to smack them right in the face.
Hat-kun's favorite doubles partner is Mori-kun, though I always have to smile when I see him take the court with Ishida-kun--it's sort of David & Goliathish.
That's our old line-up. Fudomine's picked up a few more players, including few surprises, for its high school.