May 10, 2004 15:58
I wanted to fill this out a long time ago but I finally just got time to do it so here it is...
1)Kissed your cousin? no
2)Ran away? Sort of. I left the house and went to my nana's for like 3 weeks once without contacting my mom.
3)Pictured your crush naked? possibly
4)Actually seen your crush naked? Nope
5)Broken someone's heart? I don't think so
6)Been in love? No
7)Cried when someone died? Yes, it's so sad when somebody dies no matter who it is(unless it's my step mom!!)
8)Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? Yes!!
9)Broken a bone? Nope!
10)Lied? Duh!! Who hasn't
11)Cried in school? Yeah I do it a lot! As a matter of fact I almost did today
whats better???
12)Coke or pepsi? Coke
13)Sprite or 7up? Sprite
14)Girls or guys? Guys they have it easier
15)Flowers or Candy? Candy
16)rugged or Clean Shaved? Doesn't matter
17)Quiet or Loud? I don't care as long as they're not quiet all the time or loud all the time
18)Blondes or Brunettes? Blondes
19)Bitchy or Slutty? Bitchy
20)Tall or Short? Medium
21)Shorts or pants? Pants
22)What do you notice first? I don't know
23)Last person you slow danced with? Don't remember
24)Worst question to ask? How many people have you dated? Like 2 or 3!! I know it's pathetic
26)Had sex? Nope, Nope!
27)Had a great time with the opposite sex? YES! ALL THE TIME!!
28)Your good luck charm? Nothing
29)The person you hate the most? Emily
30)Best thing that happened to you today? Saw casey! I know that's pathetic but it probably was the best thing that happened to me
31)Color? Pink~!~!~
32)Movie? I have many
33)Book? I don't know I like the Dawn Rochelle series
34)Subject in school? science
35)Juice? Twister
36)Car? Outy's
37)Ice Cream? Mint Chocolate Chip
38)Holiday? Christmas and my Birthday
39)Season? birthday and it's pretty
40)Breakfast food? Bacon
41)Place to go with your Ex? Nowhere
42)Makes you laugh the most? Katina and my mom
43)Makes you smile? Many things
44)Gives you a funny feeling when you see them? Casey
45)Has a crush on you? I don't know
47)Can make you feel better no matter what? My nana
48)Has it easier, guys or girls? Guys
Do you..
49)Sit by the phone and wait for a call? No
50)Save AOL or MSN conversations? Yes
51)Save emails? Yes
52)Wish you were somebody else? No, i like who i am!
53)Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? NO
54)Cry because of someone's mean words? Possibly depending on how bad it is
55)Cologne? I don't know
56)Perfume? I don't know! i like a lot!!!
58)Romantic Memory? hmmmm...nothing comes to mind
59)Most recent advice given to you? if someone gave me advice i don't think I heard them
70)You touched? Katina I poked her to get her attention when she was getting off the bus
71)You talked to? My mom
72)You hugged? Kristin, she was in a hug able mood today
73)You instant messaged? I don't remember
74)You kissed? I don't remember
75)You had sex with? No one