Feb 03, 2005 12:12
Yeah so I started at MMU on Friday and it went ok. I had a not so good day on Monday though because i kinda just stood in the hallway throughout my whole lunch because I didn't know anyone. It wasn't really fun. Although I had chorus on that day and chorus is so different here then it is at Cochester. Number one I have a total of like 8 people in my chorus class and also we sing the whole time without interuption. Except for the 10 minute break in the middle of class. It is nice though just to take a break. I am doing like a lot better now I actually have people to talk to and people to eat lunch with. Good for me!!
I am coming to Winter Carmival on Saturday I just have to know what time the play is going to be so I can see it and be there on time. I really can't wait to see everyone. I've missed you all.
You should all see me now I am so quiet because I have no one to talk to it's such a change from my regular self. I like don't talk at all, all day it's amazing. I am normally so loud.
I painted my room and moved in last weekend with katina. Iam happy that she helped me because i wouldnt have been able to do it by myself. I just got my new bedspred in too and it looks pretty in my room which by the way is very purple ask katina she knows. I like my room though it is so much more peaceful then my other room at the trailer like nobody is ever in my room here and i can just do what i want in it. Yeah so I like it lots. I'm used to living in the house but I'm not quite used to going to school at MMU yet though but i will get used to it. I like the fact that I don't have to start school until 8:20 that is nice but I also have to wait a half an hour after school is over just to to get on the bus. We get out of school at 2:45 and the bus doesn't come until 3:15. That is the sucky part. Also my bus is the Browns River after school bus so sometimes we have to go pick up the middle schoolers before I can go home so I don't get home until like 10 of four. That is so late. Whatever I have kinda gotten used to the bus ride that is not that bad.
I already have two projects to do and one term paper to write and I just got here. Also I'm going on a field trip to Montreal next Friday from 8 in the morning until 8 at night. Luckly I have found someone in my french class that i talk to like out of class and stuff so we can hang out on the trip or else I would be alone all alone but not so that's ok. Speaking of projects that is technicly what I am supposed to be working on write now because we are in the library. But I can't get on the computer and my house becase it's Allen's work comlputer and my computer isn't there yet because I don't have a desk but it should be there soon so then I can get on the internet more and not just at school.
I dont want to work on this fricken project. I am in a group with two other girls and one is writing an email and the other is accually working. I don't want to work it is not a lot of fun. I am in a class of all ninth graders right now so it is wierd always being around ninth graders because i have two ninth grade classes. Not that there is anything worng with them or anything.
I got to go now though we are going back to class now.