May 24, 2005 12:23
Washington dc was fun...
i got up at 3:30 and got at the school at like 4:27 and we left to go to the airport at 4:35 we got at the airport at like 5:15..our plane got delayed so we didnt leave until like 7:40..on the plane i sat next to madi kerr...yeaaa i got window seat..mandi got sick and puked a little..but for most of the time on the plane i listened to my walk man and stared out the window at the looked so looked like you can walk on the clouds! =D when we got at washington dc we waited at the airport for the bus..The bus was nicer than the one we took to chicago last but yea we went to the arlington cemetary first than we went to this memorial than we went to the white house (no we did not go in the white house and no we did not see the president) but yea i got a picture of the white house! and than we drove around looking at we went to the space mueseum thing with one of the most busy mcdonalds in the world...but the one in japan is more busy..yes it was pretty busy there! it was funny this guy that soposebly said that he was saving up to make a cook book gave us a sticker that said smile and said if we donate some money he would give us this necklace that attracts hottys...and i was thinking in my head we were standing there for a little while and i was like whatever and gave him a dollar (i just wnated him to go away) yea he gave me a necklacse thing lol! than we looked atmore memorials and than we went to this reef thing that has like a iron reef for every stateandwe found michiagn and people staryed climbing on it so they can get a picture with it but GAY mr honkala was like "GET OFF" so i just a picture standing next to it (oh well)...than we went to the reflecting water thing (where forest gump gave his speech thing in the movie) than we went to the Lincoln memorial and i got some pictures of that than we went back to the bus andwent to the air port...i got window seaton the way back from washington dc too i sat nextto chelsea iott sux though because we sat like all the way in the back of the plane and the big prepeller thing was there and it was loud!
** we did more but i dont feal like writing it down!
**leave me comments**
oXxO- Michelle<3*~ =)