Jul 26, 2008 10:30
Ok, so the last entry about that boy? Well I've decided I just want to be friends with him. He's just starting college in Kingston in September and when I go back in September, it'll be my last semester. I just think we're at 2 completely different parts of our lives to be anything more than friends. It's all good though!
So I've been working a lot lately...and I've been working with my mom! My boss took 3 weeks of holidays this month and my mom was asked to fill in for her. Actually, thursday was the last time that I worked with her, but it was fun...other than her getting in the way of my routine sometimes, lol. Raphaelle also took off two weeks during this time, so instead of my regular 21-23 hours, I've been working 30 hours. Plus I babysat on one of my days off, so I had 1 days off this week. Next week I've got 26 hours, so not as much. Yay for bigger pay cheques!! I need it since my tuition is due next month!
Other than work, I haven't been up to much. I don't really have time for much else.
BUT! good news! Corey graduates from basic training on Thursday!! I'm really proud of him. I know it's not easy at all. I know I'd never be able to do it! The field portion of it sounds the worst. But ya, so he graduates on Thursday, packs up and leaves on Friday and then has to be in Gagetown for Sunday. He met a guy over there (we all call him Mexico, but his real name is Roberto), so ya, him and his friend Mexico will be driving to Gagetown since Mexico was posted there too. I also think that Stefanee is going to be moving out there with Corey. They'll probably get a PMQ together.
Soooo, I think that's all my news? I'll try to get more interesting and post more, lol.