I'm at my dad's now. He picked me up at 9:00 in the p.m. I'm saddened...my cell phone is here...but it's dead...and the charger is at my mom's house...so...now another few days without it.
me + vanessa + ice = SATURDAY NIGHT, MAN! hehe excited. It's our bonding time before she leaves me... :(
hahahahaha funny picture....I thought I'd share it...well..it's funny to me....
hahahaha....and guess what...COWS HAVE EARS!!!!...i forgot about that until today...hehe...alright...later lovers...tomorrow I must go school supply shopping......yay......(yay meaning...this sucks big lollies my friends...BIG lollies )
did you know that in 29 years...I'll know someone famous??!!!