
Nov 15, 2005 14:12

"Your part is to maintain the right relationship with God so that His discernment can come through you continually for the purpose of blessing someone else.
Maturity is produced in the life of a child of God on the unconscious level, until we become so totally surrendered to God that we are not even aware of being used by Him.
A saint is never consciously a saint- a saint is consciously dependent on God."
-Oswald Chambers

What an amazing example of a selfless lifestyle and a servant's heart!  We are called to live a life that is glorifying to God...we were created for that purpose alone.  But within that calling, we are expected to serve and to love others.  How great is it that through drawing near to God, we can serve others without even realizing it?

And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.
Colossians 1:10

If our heart's desire is to glorify our Lord, then His love and wisdom will flow out of us.  In his book Desiring God, John Piper discusses the argument of love as a selfless act or for personal gain.  He argues the point that if we do not love with the intent of gaining something (joy, closeness with God, etc.), then our love is disinterested and not genuine, and therefore, useless.  What is love that has no heart or desire behind it?

If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,but have not love, I gain nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:3

So what do we have to lose? Nothing!  Everyone wins in this situation!  If we seek God with all that we are (heart, mind, body, strength, soul), the fruit that we bear will be a natural overflow of the Spirit in us.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
James 3:17

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness
Galatians 5:22

Through our priority to glorify God in all that we do by drawing near to Him, and desiring to know Him and to have a relationship with Him, we are rewarded with wisdom and discernment and joy that flow out of us and can be used to encourage others.

Let’s look at this again:

"Your part is to maintain the right relationship with God so that His discernment can come through you continually for the purpose of blessing someone else.”

What are we waiting for? 
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