TEN random things about me:
10. I love the rolly-scrolly thing on the mouse
9. I am addicted to chapstick
8. I love Ben and Jerry's Half-Baked
7. I have an interview at Starbucks on Thursday
6. I enjoy pranking
5. I'm in the middle of reading a million books
4. I am scared of getting a speeding ticket
3. I am going home in 4 days
2. I sing all the time...even random outbursts during phone calls
1. I am excited to see what God has planned for me....
NINE ways to win my heart:9. Sing with me8. Play the guitar AND sing
with/for me7. Sit and drink coffee with me6. Call my cell 5. Have good
conversation time4. Act silly/crazy/spontanteous with me3. Pray for me
and encourage me2. Write me letters (I'm all about the communcationm
folks...can you tell?)1. Dance with me (and be patient with my
inability haha)EIGHT things I want to do before I die:8. Do karaoke in
public7. Go dancing6. Take a road trip (to somewhere excited)5.
Have a boyfriend (har har)4. Sky dive3. Shave Brandon's mullet2. Meet
Jars of Clay...and sing with them1. Pass ISAT 112SEVEN places I want to
visit:7. London6. Ghana5. Italy4. Jacksonville, Florida3. Any beach2.
UVA1. New York CitySIX things I don't like:6. Cigarette smoke5. People
that don't use their turn signals4. Cursing3. Feeling invisible2.
Arrogant people1. Being coldFIVE things I'm afraid of:5. Bugs4.
Snakes3. Walking alone in the dark2. Getting into a car accident1.
Embarrassing myselfFOUR of my favorite items in my bedroom: 4. My
laptop (this includes all my music)3. My cell phone2. My Bible1. My
photosTHREE things I do everyday:3. Eat2. Sing1. SleepTWO Things I am
trying not to do right now:2. Study for finals1. Think about how much
I'm gonna miss JMUONE person I heart:1. You