the rest of the holidays...

Nov 27, 2004 15:25

Tuesday- Camping!! we went to joel's house for a funfun camping trip! no one knew how to put the tent up but we finally figured it out... we had a bonfire and a huge bottle of lighter fluid. haha that was awesome! joels dad kept walking outside to see what we were up too and he didnt even care.. lol he was even james took me to jack in the box and we got stuck in the ditch then he started bitching out the lady at the drive-thru, lol it was so funny... well finally we got back and it started raining so everyone slept inside. it was a really eventful night
Wedensday- I went to visit josh then i had to go home but i went out later for a *Girls night out* ... wow i dont think we have had one of those since the bowl party! haha, we went to see bridget jones and it was really cute! i went home at like 11 and passed out becuase i was so flippin tired!
Thursday- woke up at like 7:30 and went to churchpoint with the family... there was tons of good food, we shot skeet (if anyone even knows what that is becuase i sure didnt before thurs.) lol its like the plate things they throw in the air and you shoot it with a gun. yea, its super hard but fun. that was the first time i shot a real gun.. anyway, everyone got drunk except me and the other kids, we watched our parents make fools of themselves and my dad refused to leave until like 7 that night. he made me drive home lol but i got home and i got all ready to go out then i laid down and passed out! i was still so tired!
Friday- DAVID D'S BDAY!! my little david wavid is growing up! hes 18- fuck friendly as Ann says! hahaha well anyway we went shopping during the day for his presents and that was crazy. me and lauren got him a beer funnel but jimmy got him one too so we are keeping ours!! haha bitchez no ones gonna steal it from us either! we went to hooters where i want to work really really bad whenever i grow up (please dont tell my dad) but it looks like so much fun! then we went to a gettogether/party at sofias. we stopped by lindsay s's because she was having a party. saw lots of random people there and then we went back to sofias. later me and hayden went out with bryan. I GOT PULLED OVER BY THE POPOPS!!!! hoooooooly shit that was the most scared i have ever been in my life!!! i was like so out of it and driving haydens car and all of a sudden i looked up and saw flashing lights and im like oh fuck, im dead!! i thought i was gonna have to go to juvy. the cop made me get out of the car and i stumbled out and my shoe fell off and i was trying my hardest to act sober! i have noooo clue how i got out of that shit!!! omg. that was like the experience of a lifetime. im goign to be telling my grandkids about that one! but anyway, then we went and slept somewhere. i still have no clue where we were but there was a really cute cattt holy shit it was adorable!!
Saturday- so far i went to haydens house and wrote in her journal abotu what she did a few weekends ago becuase she couldnt remeber. we went to CC's, new york bagel, and the gas station. i came home and cleaned my car and hopefully my parents will let me spend the night out tonight!! ::crosss fingers::

ok i really want a better than ezra cd.. if anyone has one let me borrow it and i love you forever!!!
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