Club Vivid '10 - Appleseed - The Last Firstborn

Aug 06, 2010 23:23

Song by: Celldweller
Vidder: bananainpyjamas aka dragonchic
Fandom: Appleseed & Appleseed: Ex Machina
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Smell of farewell and gasoline." Deunan.

49.9 MB Zipped XviD
29.6 MB Zipped WMV

Vimeo (embedded below)

password: mortalshell

image You can watch this video on

lastfirstborn from dragonchic on Vimeo.

It took me a while to figure out the structure for this one - I kept ripping up "complete" sections and starting over from scratch. But still, I had fun. This is my annual excuse to let loose and push myself when it comes to motion and musicality. And well, I hope that's what happened.

Also, Deunan is kind of a badass. Even if her motivations rarely make sense.

Enjoy! If you're looking for another vid that played at this year's VVC, click the VVC '10 tag on this entry.

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