
Jan 18, 2005 18:16

Well today I went to school and trecked through the hallways with extreme tiredness and almost falling asleep in anatomy. Didnt do anything in basketball class....didnt feel good. Went to lunch...mmmm all you can eat spaghetti. Got to choir, and I was in choir for about 15 minutes when Mr. Mike walks in and gives me a note.....from my mommy, telling me that my doctor called and the test that was taken yesterday for mono came out positive. So basically the point of that whole story was, I HAVE MONO! Not really something to brag about I know. Especially right before finals and everything....Looks like I am gonna be in a shit hole. But I am gonna treck through this like I did school was hard getting through 3rd and 4th today I really felt like falling asleep.

This mono crap just sucks.

I wanna go to school.....its more fun to say when you dont have to. lol.

Well gotta to you all later.
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