Apr 11, 2008 19:08
So I watched Idol Gives Back on Wednesday and I thought it was great! I liked the beginning performance. The idols sang "Don't Stop The Music" by Rihanna with the people from So You Think You Can Dance? there. I thought it was better with them. I honestly thought that they could've gotten better celebrities...*cough* Miley Cyrus *cough* I didn't like her performance, but on to the giving. I felt very sorry for all those kids so I made my mom donate 20 bucks so then I didn't feel guilty. I think they still have donating open. If so go to americanidol.com and there must be a link there on the homepage to donate. Skipping forward to the "Seasons of Love" performance by the Top 8. I thought it was great cept for Archuleta singing the wrong words. I mean how hard can it be? My chorus class is singing that song for the concert which is ironic because we are also singing Beatles songs which the idols did about a few weeks ago. Fast forward to the Elimination. Can you believe they had one this time? Last season they didn't even have one. Anyways Carly, Syesha, and Michael were in the bottom 3. Michael Johns ended up going home. I was surprised and so was the audience. I was pretty sure Syesha was going home. So yeah I'm gonna go reply to my email!
american idol so you think you can dance