Title: Raising SarahJane (Six)
Rating: PG
Characters: Teddy, SarahJane mentions: Billy, assorted YA members
After explain to Kate for the third time that designer anything was probably not a good gift choice for a three year old, Teddy finally closed the door after the last guest. With a sigh, he let his forehead rest against the cool wood. Thank god they were all finally gone. Not that he didn’t love his friends, but the impromptu birthday party they’d decided to throw for SarahJane had been a bit…stressful.
Teddy and Billy had been planning for a quiet day. A trip for icecream, the park, then shopping to let SarahJane pick out her own present. And then the apartment had been invaded by hordes of well meaning honorary aunts and uncles, and that plan had gone to hell pretty quickly.
SarahJane had loved it, of course. She loved anything that involved her extended ‘family’, which was rather large and included most of the Avengers and most prominently the former Young Avengers. She especially loved it when it involved large amounts of cake and presents. Not that she’d wanted anything to do with the presents. Oh no, shredding the wrapping paper had held far more amusement for at least half an hour, and that mess was still waiting to be cleaned up.
As was the mess that was the kitchen after Tommy had blown up the cake, but Teddy thought he’d leave that one to Billy’s powers. And, hopefully, all of the cleaning could wait for the morning. The clock chimed eleven as he returned to the disaster zone that was the living room. The sight that greeted him was one he’d hoped to never see.
SarahJane was sitting on the floor giggling. There was a Barbie in her hand. This day? Had officially become his personal hell.