Feb 11, 2005 15:00
ok well today went ok....in religion kim sat by brennan and was telling him all about her party or w/e and i turned around and was like umm what about me so she invited me but it was one of those o i feel bad for you and since you said something i gues i have to invite you....so obviously im not going...but i thought i was like friends with her but obviously i am not...and now i wonder how many ppl actually are my friends....prolly about 1/4 or every1 that i talk to which is really sad...but o well....
im excited for valentines but sometimes i wish it was never invented i mean i like the whole idea but what about the loser portion of the population that doesnt have ne one that will give them chocolate or flowers(me) and then our school is like selling carnations and like delivering them at lunch wtf!?!?! i dont want my lunch ruined by remembering that there is no one to buy me a flower
now im angry so im gonna watch a movie