Title: Spin
bananacosmic Author's Email: bananacosmicgirl@hotmail.com
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CosmicUniverse.net Fandom: How I met your mother
Word count: 1 600
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
Characters: Barney, Lily
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Spoilers: 5x17 "Of course"
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations from the TV-series "How
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There are two explanations for him jumping in the river. Firstly, it /was/ a darker, cry-for-help/suicide thing. And what I never thought of, but you bring out SO beautifully, is that it's all about him closing himself off emotiionally, and already feeling dead. Why not just end it all.
There's another explanation. Well, sort of. I would write it, if my computer would work for five seconds flat...
I was thinking about this version of things even as I was watching the episode, which usually doesn't happen (I usually just enjoy the ep and then go back to think about it later). I guess Barney all wrapped up in the blanket at the start of the episode really spoke to me. And then the rest of the episode happened, and he just didn't seem to have any reaction to anything. He has just been going from girl to girl to girl (to girl to girl...) since breaking it off with Robin. It's like Barney 1.0, but a caricature.
Wasn't sure this was gonna work, but it seems to have landed in good graces :)
I'm looking forward to the other explanation ^^ Does it involve Robin? (Or maybe Ted, because there really needs to be some Barney/Ted fic written for this episode. I mean, really.)
*hugs Neil*
Anyway, I don't think my version's very good, but here it is:
Yay, fic! And BED fic, too. Adored the "Jesus, you are such a closet cuddler," because oh so true. Barney needs hugs. Loved the fic, but you already know it's good because you've got lots of comments ^^
I wonder what the canon reason - the writers' reason - for Barney jumping into the river was. That he needed to cool down after Anita's raunchy offer? Even if that's the case, it can't really be written without some deeper issues to support it, whether your version or mine. But I guess it'll be like the buss accident and it'll never be mentioned again.
But yes, they'll never mention it again. Because Barney is a cartoon character and it doesn't matter if they drop and anvil on his head. ;-)
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