Okay, so three show reaction thingies.
Spoilers for House 6x24 Both sides now
Not entirely sure what I think. It was way long and boring at the start - I don't think it hooked me until about 20 minutes into it. It was in fact so un-hooking that I first started watching it on Wednesday, but turned it off after 10 minutes, and finished it yesterday.
Last week's craptacular ending was, as some suspected, a hallucination. I'm very happy about that, because it was ridiculous - both the rapid detox and the seriously stupid Huddy taking place immediately after (I doubt any man would be able to get it up hours after a detox that severe). However, the revelation came way too late. I realize that Doris Egan said in an interview that they absolutely couldn't reveal it until the end, because otherwise it wouldn't have been a good twist, but I disagree. They shouldn't have revealed it earlier, but they should have hinted at it. They've done it before, in No reason. They know how to do it. As it was, Cuddy's actions were fully within her double personality disorder character - her being pissed off the day after them having sex was completely within her character. Just remember her "I want him at my baby's naming ceremony/I don't want him there/I want him there/I don't..." bullshit. Her being psycho is not a hint that something is wrong (unless much of the whole season was a hallucination - and hey, I'm kind of okay with that scenario, considering the crap they've been putting out).
It was nice that Wilson was the one to take House to the mental hosptial. He's been a lousy friend this year and it was nice to see him taking care of House. It was another music montage - don't they ever get tired of them? - so that we could be certain that we were at a season ender (after all, last year we got two).
Anyway, kind of a calm season finale. I don't hold out any hopes for seeing House actually in the mental hospital next year - because after being shot in No reason and all the crap in House's Head/Wilson's heart, there was no real aftermath. Sure, Wilson left at the start of this season, but that was it. There was no effect of the DBS. After being shot in season two, we started out with House running. Yes, the show is certainly good at aftermath (not).
Spoilers for Bones 4x26 The End in the Beginning
...bwahahaha. That is the brilliant finale? Seriously?
It was kind of entertaining, in a very stupid way. It felt pretty much like they were making fun of themselves, except they're taking themselves way too seriously that it didn't really work. The episode was like bad fanfiction.
Well, the whole season has been like bad fanfiction, so I guess that works with the general theme.
And then with the what-the-fuckery ending. Does Booth actually have amnesia? Good lord. I'm a member of
daysofourbones and really, this is turning into Days of Our Bones. Some are saying that Booth doesn't have amnesia, he just doesn't know if Brennan is the one from his dream, or the real one, and sure, I guess that's a possibility in the stupidity of the Bones world. Others are saying that Booth's memory of the entire four years has been wiped and that he'll have to re-do FBI training and all that, which I hope isn't true, because that kind of amnesia doesn't exist, as far as I've read while studying psychology. People who lose their memories still know how to do stuff - they still know the language they spoke, they still know how to ride a bike (if they knew it before, that is), etc.
I know on "Men in trees", which I watched on and off, there was the stupid complete amnesia where the person in question got a complete personality transplant and suddenly didn't know how to do anything, from swimming to a bunch of other stuff. It was very much headdesk.
Anyway, Bones.
Last week's episode was stupider than this week's. Last week had Stewie instead of giving Booth real symptoms of a brain tumor. Sure, hallucinations can be a symptom - but severe headaches and such are much more common. On top of that, we had Brennan's I-want-a-baby despite it going against everything her character is. And no, her "logical" explanation did not sell it to me.
Actually, Bones shares a bit with House - my wish that a major part of this season hasn't been real, it's all been a hallucination for Booth. That way, next year we could get back to the real show, such as it was in seasons one and two. Yeah, that'd be good.
I don't think it's a good thing when I wish that the past season of two of the shows I watch should be hallucinations...
Finally, non-spoilery. Dollhouse will be renewed for a second season! Yay!
Link to article. I still haven't seen the finale, Omega, but I'm looking forward to it :)