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Aug 04, 2007 22:53

warped tour was yesterday. first off we got lost in camden then around 1ish we finally parked (we left at 11)then we got there figured nfg was playing at 3 so we all stood there. then val felt really sick for some reason so she was like ill brb and i was like ok 2 minutes later shes like tara i need you and shes stumbling threw the crowd and they're all getting mad at me and then i had her sit down while i got 2 waters then she started feeling better she probably almost passed out because she was blacking out. as soon as nfg started playing me and josh got lost and someone landed on my head and i got knocked out for like 2 seconds cause i dont remmber seeing anything and i started to cry and josh is like alrght we're getting out and i'm like still in pain and i'm like no way it's nfg. then after that we walked around got some merch. stayed cool by staying by the fan with the water then awlked around saw random bands got something to eat. hung out with paige sam and dominic then hawthorne heights came on and josh went to the pits and me and val chilled on the hill and then underoath came on after hawthorne heights. it was amazing but the whole time i was singing and watching josh dance cause i was kinda scared he was gonna get hit. some girl got totally knocked out. right before underoath everyone (from the hill to the crowd) was throwing trash and whatever they cold alot of people got hit with stuff full of liquid and i got hit with a rock it hurt haha. but after that we left and walked back and talked about it the whole way and then we weren't sure where to go so josh turned to an exit for the walt witman bridge...i can't imagine why since that takes you to philly. but then we got off at camden again and there was alot of fighting and then we got off at collingswood/gloucster and we rode through some neighborhood and eventually (with my directions) we ended up on rt 130 which is brooklawn kmart and shoprite. i have a good sense of direction. this years warped tour was good cause i spent it with my 2 fav people. but it was crazy hot. i got a nfg shirt and a hawthorne heights shirt. today i ordered shoes and then ate at josh's house and did the dishes haha then came to my house and ate ice cream and watched scarred and josh left about an hour and a half ago cause he's a party pooper and tomorrow i'm hanging out with hann =) then monday i dont know. but tuesday josh has court at 8:30 so i'm going with him (it's for fireworks) then after court we leave for camping!!!<3
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