Mar 15, 2009 11:59
ok so all my furniture, my consoles, clothes that are still downstairs... everything i ever fucking owned has to be thrown out because it has mould growing in or on it.
i feel like fucking killing myself because theres nothign i can but sit there and watch as my entire life gets thrown into the trash. insurance won't cover it at all.
i have NOTHING.
and my mum is telling me not to be upset about it...... ok.. so if i put all her stuff into a pile and set it on fire right in front of her she'll know exactly how i feel. it's just stuff but it's still my fucking life and i'm sure anyone would be upset by that.
"oh but it's getting fixed" yea the room is getting fixed but whats the point if i have nothing left? really i should just fucking kill myself right now because things just keep getting worse and worse and the pain is fucking unbareable.
so yea go bitch that you broke something and go 'this is why i don't have nice things" because at least you still have everything else.
insanely yours,
Miss RosiexX
ps: this is a really horrible thing to say but it needs to be said- i really hope that at least one of the workers from the BSA gets as sick as i did from when i had to live in that room. then they'll know the suffering and pain i had to live with that almost fucking killed me. i hope they fucking die. and still all the physical pain i felt and am still feeling (i will never recover fully) feels like nothing compared to what i'm feeling now.