Aug 28, 2004 16:03
omg im sorry...but get ready 4 another long ass post....about canadian idol....lmao im sry to teh ppl that feel obligated to read my journal becoz tehyre my best friends but they dont rellle want to read all tehse giant posts <3tasha<3....lmao ok here it is
so wednsday leena coms over to my house at NINE OCLOCK IN THE MORNING to begin making our buffalo costumes (kalan lives on a buffalo farm, and we dressed up as a herd of buffalo) so we start doing it and were stressing like INSANELY coz it is taking like FOREVER like it is truly like a SHITLOAD of work..and we were going like insane and I was stressing so much I kept snapping at maria and leena at random moments wen I would catch tehm not glueing something…and we kept gluing the costumes to the floor with the hot glue and we later had to rip tehm off lmao
so tehn anyways maria coms (late) and tehn charners shows up and were all like sweating our asses off to finish the costumes and make the signs (I had 1 that said KALAN U R SAILIN….ON THE COOL SEE!!!) lmfao how original is that??? so tehm at 4 leenas mom coms and picks us up and drives us over to lenas cousins house who was gonna drive us down town (she agreed to drive us last minute which was soooo nice of her!!!) so wen we get to her house we put on our garbage bags covered in felt and stuff tehm wit newspaper, and then get in the car and drive down town. omfg it was soooo funny the car ride it was a small car and there was mona (the cousin) plus 4 ppl wearing giant stuffed garbage bags!!!! lmfao!!!!
o btw we ended up so NOT looking like buffalos….like we were the RANDOMEST things.….o god we actually looked like 4 giant shits… I was like “wed hav a better chance of getting in if we said that we came there as kalans waste”..lmao but none the less we were not gonna giv uphope. so we came and we were relle relle late so we were like at the VERY end of the line. like we were all the way down the street…but we still had some tiny shread of hope, and we kept up our enthusiasm and kept on screaming and cheering and occasionally running around. and we were reeeelle loud, like the ppl around us sucked ASS comaper to us. so tehn zack coms out (OMFG YAY ZACK…SOOOO COOL) and I told him I liked his shoes (cowboy boots) and tehn hes like wtf r u?? and we tell him about our buffalo idea and hes like “I don’t get it” so were like ….just take a picture….so tehn we did. and tehn this camera man came around and just was shooting the 4 of us 4 like half an hour, and he was just like “hol dur sighs there…now raise tehm…now put tehm down…now raise tehm we hav to see wut ur wearing” and ya it was cool.
so aaaaaanyways finally at around 7 30 they quiet everyone down and they start calling the names of the first bunch of ppl tehyre gonna let in and they call som ppl and tehn….the very SECOND…the SECOND SECOND SECOND GROUP OUT OF HUNDREDS THEY START GOING….”ANNA…..CHARNA………..” we were like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omfg we were SECOND omfg second out of aaaaaall those ppl and we were like ALMOST LAST IN LINE I mean wow they must have REALLY liked the buffalo idea……and I mean they call it in bunches, like they’ll let in a few then stop tehn after like 10 minutes let in a few more and most ppl get in at like 30 seconds till 8 and u hav a chance to get in like 5 mins after 8 and wen they let us in it was like 7 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like omg I felt sooooooooo special!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so then they call us and we start insanely screaming and we run to the front past all the ppl and girl actually like announced us on her megaphone and was all like “I don’t know if u guys no, but kalan actually lives on a buffalo farm, and these girls came as just a few of his buffalo!” and the camera man is just like insanely shooting every angle of us (even tho I don’t know wut 4, I hav no idea where this is going to air) and tehn lenna and cahrna all of a sudden dissapear and they just shot me and maira insanely jumping around and screaming for like a minute, and tehn they gave us the tickets and we go inside!!!!!!!!!!!!woooohooo!!!!!!
so tehn we go inside and since we hav all the time in the world we go to the bathroom and change and do our makeup…so were all standing there by the sink and im just washing my hands….and I just look sideways and like right beside me, just standing there washing her hands is….TAMMY!!!!!!!!! JAKES GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!! I was like WHOLY SHIT like she is just standing there right beside me h\just washing her hands… tehn I didn’t want to be like some hoooooorrible 12 year old loser off me ass with no life so I didn’t do anything and I ust leaned over and whispered to charna “omg…its tammy…jakes girlfriend right beside us……” and unfortunately mria heard me!!!!!! and omg she just starts going in the middle of a public bathroom AAAAA AAAAA UR JAKES GIRLFRIEND???? OMGGGG!!!! LIKE OMGGG!!!! CAN I HAVE UR AUTOGRAPH?????? and we were just like oooo myyyy goood……we were like “were not with her” lmao well I donno wut charna was doing but leena and I had both noticed her b4 and didn’t wanna do anything so we were just like omg maria…..but omg tammy is soooooooo gorgeous!!!!!!!! like she looks WAY better in real life omg jacob is SOOO lucky to hav her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so then we actually get into the theatre and the show starts and it was soooo good!!! like omg it was one of my favourite shows, not for the songs, kalan didn’t really do his best, but like for all the other things that happened, like I reaaaally liked the clips they showed this week they were sooooo cute!!!! (do u want one??? (kalan), u wouldn’t get this unless u watched the show) and how Jacob was sitting swinging his legs on the carossel holding hands with kalan!!!awwww!!! and there is so much that u miss on tv!! omg!!! like because its live, theyre unable to like catch everything that happens, and u miss so much!!! like at the end theyre all standing there in like a line but the camera is doing a close up of bens face, cuz hes talking, and Jacob is just standing there and tehn all of a sudden just reaches up and starts kissing kalans neck!!!!! AWWWWW!!!! I was like THAT’S SO FUCKING CUTE OMG!!!!!!!! he was like munching on it………and tehn theyre still showing ben, but like two metres away from him Jacob is just like grinding with kalan, for like 2 minutes, it was sooooo funny, and kalan is just like looking so horribly uncomfortable (aaa so cute my little shy boy) and omg it was sooo cute and then jake walks over starts grinding with ben, it was so cute!!!
ok so tehn after the show we all make our way down to get autographs and shit wit tehm…and it was SOOOO unbelievably crappy….like we completely could not get close to tehm!! and like at the beginning we couldn’t even get back down into the theatre becuz they had made som shity line thing!!! and like omg it was just so crappy!!! I mean wen me and charks were there last time it was like the EASIEST THING like right after the show we all just went and I was at Jacobs side in about 2 minutes!!! and tehn like u just hung out wit tehm and got pic wit everybody and autographs and u could talk to tehm and stuff, and it was just REALLY REALLY cool like a spent SO MUCH TIME by Jacob and kalans side last time!!! WE GOT KALANS PANTS DIRTY!!!!!! This time, we were unable to get ANYWHERE NEAR KALANS PANTS!!! like I was so pissed…I wasn’t even close to taking a picture wit kalan….and they only could stay 45 mins after the show!!!! last time when we left it was way past 10!!!!! and we had actually left, just because we were like bored!!!!! like I actually literally got tired of having Jacob in my face!!!! and we took so much pics som ppl we took pics with just because they were just standing there. like literally just standing there b4 us, so we HAD to ask 4 a pic…like kaleb…..we were trying to leave and he was blocking our exit!!!!! so we felt obligated to ask 4 a pic and an autograph….but tehn THIS wednsday it was just sooooooo different!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! the only one of us that like even got any contact with the idols was Leena, who got a pic and an autograpf from jake, also maria got a pic wit kalan, on which they both look constipated….and that’s like ALL. we basically split up and charks and I went one way and leena and maria went another, and me and charna were like right beside Jacob 4 like half an hour and were still unable to get a pic!!! omg he was on the stage and we were on the stairs to the stage and omg the crowd was just so insane, im standing on the stairs and ppl r pushing and I just totally feel myself losing my balance and im like …o…o crap….and I just fell off the stairs!! luckily I fell into the crowd, so it was ok…but ya it was excrutiating (while still fun) to attempt to get to the idols…like me and charna were trying to get thru to kalan, and this 6 foot tall guy is like reaching a picture 4 kalan to sign and mine and charnas faces ewre like glued to his armpit 4 so long!!!! aaa it smelled so bad!!!!!!!!!!! o god it was crappy…..but its ok, I still had an awesome time……
but im still unhappy I didn’t get a picture…but me and charna weren’t 2 upset coz we had been there b4 and we already had pics…so at the end we were kinda like, wutever lets giv up, lets just stand here and admire them….but tehn leenz didn’t get a picture and I was so sad 4 her coz she has never seen tehm b4!!!!! but its ok bcoz were going again next week wit lee and frances….so WOOHOO!!!!!!!
k so ya after the show we all get back into the car drive to leenas house tehn drive home…it was THE BEST DAY!!!!!!! and then Thursday shane got voted off!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA GRRRRRR I LOVED SHANE!!!!! and he did sooooooo amazingly wednsday!!!!! coz he forgot the words but kept going wit the same passion and grace!!!!!!!!!!! and I thought that was amazing!!!!!! like I would NEVER have been able to do that…..i would’ve obviously finished the song…but I would have totally screwed the rest up and sang wit no enthusiasm and made it totally crappy, and would hav just started bawling in the middle of the song….but shane kept going!!! and doing his best!!!!!!! and I thoguth that was amazing……….!!!!! but o well…its ok bcoz he made it like REALLY far….so im still happy… just CANT WAIT TILL NEXT WEEK!!!!!