Jun 07, 2008 17:05
So the smackheads are back, and this time they are shooting up outside the main front door and leaving thier blood, wipes, heroin trays and used needles along with all the other crap they use in our recycling box. It makes me sick. This is the second instance of it, but the fourth dodgy thing that has happened in a month.
first upstair's bikes got nicked, then the prego girl and the chav jacked up over our mates car, then some scumbag was sitting in the lobby and we had to ask him to leave, now this, its just as well gav noticed the packets in there on the way back from asda, because when i went to put some paper i the bag i saw one of the needles in a wine bottle, where was the other? fuck knows, but basically all the recycling has had to be binned for fear of infection. I hope we dont get fined for it, because i'll just tell them they can go sifting through god knows what if they want but i dont want HIV. FUCK.
I'm glad we started locking the door after that second freak was in the building because he was defo going to shoot up if we hadnt of told him to get out. I've been ill most of the week and to think that they were outside yesterday getting high, whilst i have been lying here in pain because the pain killers i have been prescribed dont even seem to be dulling the pain very well.
Oh well hopefully we'll be outta here on the 20th of AUG to our own house in a nice street miles away from this shithole!
Oh yeah i have a really bad ear infection, well i say really bad, i have had to be prescribed 30/500 co-codomal because i am in such pain. Signed off til e.o.d tuesdayand not currently feeling any better just not in so much pain. I cant hear for shit so poor nick is having to repeat himself or watch tv thats too loud.
Gahhhh what a horrible to weeks i've had, ill all half term and ill all this week. Oh well i hope i am better by friday as my mum is coming to visit....
Love to your mothers