The Weekly Bitch News!

Feb 18, 2009 20:25

HOLY HELL! It's my first LJ journal entry EVAR (after how long I've had this account?)

Where to start, where to start? Well, maybe I could do what I always do when I write a blog and just bitch about something. For example: The assholes in every day society.

Yesterday before getting off of work, some crotchety old fuck yells at my poor supervisor at work about how we should wash the handles on our carts (I work at Ross, and it's Senior Discount every Tuesday blahblahblah). Anywho, I'll illustrate the scenario:

Old Fuck: "You guys really need to clean the handles on these carts! This one's all sticky from the crap on children's hands!"

Supervisor (trying to be as friendly as possible): "We'll put that on our priority list" (No we won't)

Old Fuck: "Well put it first on the list! (he's saying this expecting us to get on it right away or something) I thought you people were supposed to take care of the customers!" (And bitch-bitch-bitch)

Thank God my shift was over at that point (and I still can't help but feel bad for my supervisor -- I think next to management, she takes the most shit from pissy customers). But honestly, what the FUCK is wrong with people?? After that incident, I gave the guy one of my pursed-lip smile that says "Hey, ya know what? You're a crotchety old fuck who obviously hates children and just has to bitch about everything and anything, expecting someone to take a moment out of their job or life to cater to your whiney selfish needs -- please kindly go fuck yourself and come again!"

Thank you for taking 3 minutes (or however the hell fast/slow you can read) out of your life (that you will never get back again!) to read my bitch of the week!

work, bitchy, life

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