Oct 17, 2006 22:26
Oh and PS I hate academic awards assemblies where you accidentally sit in the middle of the row in the back forgetting that you got high honors and are getting a bowl...so then you have to push your way through...and the French department has somehow congregated on the stairs next to your row (why they can't sit in seats like normal people I will never figure out) and they're like, "BRAVO, MADEMOISELLE!" and you walk down and stand around while they take forever to hand the things out...and then you have to get back to your seat and people stare at you...AND THEN YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE STAGE AT THE END WHILE EVERYONE ELSE IS PUSHING THROUGH THE OTHER WAY TO THE DOOR BECAUSE THEY DON'T LET YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKING BOWL!!!!!!!
But I do love Ms. Cloonan.