Cataloguing and Free Books!!!

Aug 05, 2007 13:33

Pagan books - 29
Herb Books - 5
Craft Books - 45
Educational/Help books - 30
Regular Reading - 557
Books giving away - 60

This doesn’t include Allan & my trades and drawing books, our cookbooks, gaming books, strategy guides, nature books, Reader’s Digest Condensed select editions and school books. This in itself terrifies me. I need a bigger house just to accommodate all our books. So here is the deal. Those 60 books are up for grabs. I have a list on Excel if anyone is interested…there is no harm in looking, right?

Once everyone has chosen what they want, the rest (and I am sure there will be books left) will go to the Montreal Book Swap…

I have your books put aside eveglass and I’ll email you as well since by the time you get back this message will probably be buried under 50 million other friend posts…
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