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She always feels this built up urge to cry
But the tears don't come
They seldom do
Is there a single happy person around?
They all look happy, they really do
And she takes notice
And it makes her wonder
Why she can't be happy too
Once upon a time ago
She was a good person
She had things to live for
She had dreams
She had inspiration
She had herself
Now she's looking
She's trying to find
Find herself out of being lost
She's gone for good
So it seems
It seems dark and dismal and hopeless
She's off in the distance
Too far off to reach out to
Too far for her to run back
Run back to safety
Cry out for help
Stop herself
Before it's too late
Before it's too late
Before she knows it
No one will want her around
No one will love her anymore
And she will be alone with herself
Alone left with only herself
Ask her what's wrong
Ask her why she thinks she has it so bad
Tell her to toughen up
Tell her to deal
Tell her others have it worse
Others always have it worse
Lie to her
Say you'll always love her
Say you'll always need her
Say you'll always be there
Say you won't betray her
Tell her everything she wants to hear
She won't accept anything else
Make it good
Make her believe you
She'll always say she believes you
Until she doesn't
Then she'll lose it
When she can't lie to herself
She'll spin
Nothing to hold onto anymore
And she won't stop
She won't stop losing you
She'll let you get far far away from her
And she'll be kicking and screaming
Every step of the way
"No please!"
"Please don't leave!"
"Please don't!"