Title: γάρ την αγαπάω των Παρίς (For the Love of Paris ; sequel to For the Love of Princes)
Characters: Hector,Paris,Andromache,OFC (pairings will vary from this point on, but H/P is always there, whether implied or actual)
shrinetolust Rated: NC-17 Lite :)
Story: The servant girl continues her mission to bring the brothers together...while the family enjoys a festival, and Andromache surprises Prince Paris.
Feedback: Yes, please. This one's a bit different...hope it still works! ~ Leave a note here or mail me at shrinetolust2 AT hotmail.com
hectorparis Archive: My own LJ and where crossposted. Anyone else, please ask!
Notes: It's necessary to have read the previous chapters, to follow the progression of events. As ever, HUGE grateful thanks to beta extraordinaire,
perseph2hades, w/o whom I'd be lost. Any mistakes or things I stubbornly left intact are all my fault. *G*
Don't quote me on the quasi-ancient Greek title. It's somewhat accurate, but hell, it just looks cool. *G* And yes, I know the boys are in Troy; it's the slave girl's story, isn't it?
WARNINGS: Yep, there's some mild het here. It won't hurt you, I promise. :P
Chapter one:
**In Love with Hector**Chapter two:
**Brotherly Love**Chapter three:
**For the Love of Princes** **CLICK** for the fic!