I Feel I Need to Preface This . . .

Apr 11, 2005 19:08


Last year I had all sorts of drama with my English concentration (major).  Basically, they said I couldn't write a thesis because I didn't have a 3.4 GPA.  Not only that, they didn't even look at my creative thesis proposal when I submitted it.  So, there was all this running around about how I'm going to graduate (because I need to write a thesis because I'm a joint concentrator (with African and African American Studies)), and with the English department telling me "no", I was in a slight panic.

Fast forward to this year.  I officially switched my primary concentration to African and African American Studies and began on my thesis.  And of course, you've read ups and downs I've had with the thesis.  At one point I even wanted to change my thesis topic, but I didn't.  The last chapter in particular kicked my ass and hard, and let's not even talk about the preface.  The week the thesis was due, I had a midterm that Monday and then the morning after (Friday) I had a midterm paper, and then to pack for spring break.

Today I got an e-mail at 3:09 telling me my English thesis grade was in.  After wibbling to adrith and pagefiftythree about it, I finally decided (an hour later) to go ahead and get it.  It was in a large envelope with my last name written on it, and my nausea increased (I'd been nauseous) since I received the e-mail.  I got it, went upstairs to my other department and went to the program director of that department.

"It's my thesis grade," I said to her, and proceeded to sit down so I wouldn't embarrass myself.

The program director opened the envelope and said, "How does magna sound?"

I screamed.

The English Department awards Latin grades for theses and oral examinations. The Latin grades
correspond to the following numerical ranges (on a four-point scale), which are used in final degree
Summa 3.93-4.00
Summa Minus 3.80-3.92
Magna Plus 3.67-3.79
Magna 3.60-3.66
Magna Minus 3.53-3.59
Cum Plus 3.46-3.52
Cum 3.40-3.45
Cum Minus 3.33-3.39

The department, the very department who all but said I wasn't good enough to write the damn thesis in the first place, gave me a magna plus.  After my happiness faded (only a little bit), I became SMUG LIKE A MOFO!!1!!  That justification was so necessary . . .

So yeah . . . I'll definitely be graduating now.

yay! :)

rjc, thesis

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