Glee Fic: New Year's Nuts (Mercedes/Fabrevans, M+)

Jan 02, 2012 07:25

Title: New Year's Nuts
Author: bana05
Rating: M+
Characters/Pairings: Mercedes/Fabrevans
Spoilers: Up through Glee S2E10.
Disclaimer: Glee ain't mine, unfortunately; otherwise, Mercedes would have a harem.
Summary: Sam hadn't anticipated going nuts over a girl who didn't belong to him - even if only in his mind.
Author's notes: Happy New Year! I was trying to get this posted yesterday, but I was also traveling most of the day so that didn't quite work out as planned. Thank you so much for the response with "Christmas Cookies"! That was unexpected but definitely appreciated. This second part is a response to that and to fill a prompt from my boon ace reroutedreams who asked for a "Rich White Girl Problems" genesis!fic. As always, please forgive errors and enjoy!


Sam Evans was well aware he had a girlfriend, who was even with him at this football/Cheerios New Year's Eve party, but his eyes were completely trained on someone who was decidedly not his girlfriend-but shouldn't he watch out for her? She was flying solo at this party, and this was the time of year for random hookups that could potentially lead to bundles of "whoops" come the fall. And after spending the majority of the school year seeing his girlfriend wrestle with the fallout of her "whoops", Sam couldn't, in good conscience, have it happen to someone for whom he was growing to care.

Maybe too much? Nah, he thought and took a swig of his rum and coke. Besides, Quinn would be very appreciative he was looking after her soul sister with such vigilance, after all.

And quite a healthy dose of lust, Sam could admit.

mercedes jones, fabrevones, quamcedes, fabrevans, fic, samcedes, glee, sam evans, quinn fabray

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