Merlin 3x13 Reaction (Oh, Too Epic to Be without Pics/GIFs)

Dec 04, 2010 23:10

- Sir Leon's looking rather biblical in this first shot.  I'm thinking Peter, perhaps?  Thomas?

- Oh, Morgana.  Still smirking...and still not actually running shit.  Bless.

- Guinevere's lip biting is so a code.  Heed it, Sir Leon.

- Sir Leon's smirk>Morgana's. It's more subtle, and I like that.

- Aw *snuggles Arthur* but why come everyone but Arthur seem to be doing stuff right now? *Frowns*

- WOW, Morgana.  That...was pimp and really really bootleg, shooting your prisoners subjects.  You are so your daughter's child.  And WHY are you begging for these not immortal imcompetent knights when you already have immortal imcompetent knights?  That's dumb.

- Katie McGrath is looking STUNNING right now, esp telling Daddy Dearest off, but, Morgana, I'm assuming this "suffering" scale is a sliding one, because I'm pretty sure you didn't have to struggle like some of the folks you just shot out there.

- *pokes Arthur* wake up, boo!

- "It's rat..." has suddenly become my favorite line in the whole series.

- And Merlin will be taking over the "Give Arthur Pep Talk" duties for Guinevere while she's being a BAMF in Camelot.

- Morgana, really? Y'all ain't friends no mo'. Kick rocks with the attempted "bonding"!

- Glad I watched this episode before I posted my Gwen's mama fic... (OMG, SHE HA(S)D A MAMA?!!!)


- But Guinevere is still the smartest person in Camelot.  Jeez, it's not even close.

- Yeah, so there is no kink!fic re: Lancelot and Hunith that has just popped in my brain; not at all...(I'm not gonna write it, but I won't be mad if someone else does...)

- Oh, Jesus. You couldn't get the cup before Merlin; then again, that's what do-overs are for....

- *tears in eyes* Listen to my HQiC practice being queenly!!!

- But seriously, though, the HEIGHT KINK! THE HEIGHT KINK!!!  And yes, she is standing at her full height, ppl.  Sir Leon is a redwood.

- LOL this really isn't going to end well for the Morgs, but bless their shriveled hearts.

- GUINEVERE'S FACE!!!! She's "'tf?" LOVE HER!  Do we think she drank that? (Spoiler Alert: She did.)

- GUINEVERE MAKING A KEY (i.e, let me show you my awesome smithing skills taught to me by my pappy!). Y'all are making up for that really not okay interview? Is that what this is?

- Gwaine *snuggles*. My nature's calling too--I mean...*ahem*...

- AW! Freya!

- Duh, Excalibur.


- Gwaine & his timing, bless.

- SLASH DRAGON! Bringing Merlin to tears, bless.

- How convenient a boat.

- *snuggles merlin*

You will wear it and you will like it, good Sir.

- And again, Morgana does nothing but smirk.  Does she not know she's a figurehead?  Like does she really not know?

- Okay, the backhanded compliments between Arthur/Merlin? Old. Can we go back to that vibe right before Arthur decided not to marry Elena?  That was awesome, yes.

- Favorite part thus far, when Guinevere leaves Arthur's arms and IMMEDIATELY heads for Merlin (because WHERE THE HELL IS ELYAN?)

- Oh, there he is, scouting. Bless.  Send the black man out as first defense *smh*


- Does Camelot really need them both, tho? (Spoiler alert: Yes.)

- Look at Tom's sword being badass!  Look at it!

- (really wanted Merlin to do the He-Man roar just then, but alas)

- Yeah, those rocks look..."rocky"...

- Okay, I CHEERED at Lancelot and Guinevere seeing each other.  I'm an awful A/G shipper *smacks hand*

- Hi, Mr. Arms, how are you?

- I ship me/Percival's smile.

- Okay, yo, I REALLY wanted to see the siblings greet each other.  Are they REALLY gonna deny me that? (Spoiler Alert: yes).

- Lancelot, what's that look, yo?

- Oh, Jesus take the wheel with all them.  This...square.

- You see that OT3 leading?  You see it?  Epic.

- LOL @ the CGI filling in the forest!  I'm kind of glad Arthur isn't constantly looking over his back for Guinevere; she's a BAMF; she'll let you know when she needs assistance.  And I know Guinevere's backside is lovely, Lance, but watch where you're going (protip, it ain't there).

- Guinevere stays lighting candles, doesn't she?

- Yeah, I ship me/Percival's arms too

- Okay, this is a bit anvil-y but whatevs.  Sit at the table, Gwen's harem Arthur's Knights (minus Gaius, obv)!

- Yes, yes he did help my woman sit down.  That was sexy as hell, dammit!

- Merlin his right hand and Guinevere his heart (bc hearts are on the left, yo). I LOVES IT!

- Lance's "this bitch here" face is epic.

- Elyan, why so fine, tho?

- Arthur, I think you're the only one who thinks Uther  shouldn't be in prison...maybe Leon...maybe.

- I SEE YOU, LANCE.  Guinevere is very good *smacks hand* now step away (until the BBC greenlights the harem, 'kay?).

- I kinda don't really care why they're willing to fight, but I know we need these solliquoys for drama so meh.

- GWAINE! ilu

- LOL @ Arthur trying not to bust out laughing at Gaius cry.  Bless.

- Arthur may or may not have wanted to go half on a baby right now when Guinevere stood up...perhaps...

- LOL these two. *squishes good Arther/Merlin interaction*


- Oh, verklempt Merlin is verklempt!


- Damn, Sir Elyan the White, why so fine?

- Wow, I know Gwaine's like "where did I love go?" wrt Merlin lol, bless.

- Seriously, Lance/Merlin is right in my face right now.

- KISSS!  KIISSS!!! (these two aren't gonna kiss, are they? :( ) (Spoiler Alert: No)

- EW, Arthur. "Stay here with Gaius."  I mean, I know that's probably the most logical thing to do but ew nonetheless.

- Okay, the violins though.  They're annoying.  Beyond.  I want to hear the dialogue.

- But my man really did breathe her in before they pulled back. *hearts in eyes*

- And there goes Lance. *pats*

- Tender moment wtih Merlin & Gaius was tender. *pats them*

- Lord, what is the old man doing?

- Yo, Gwaine, I'll holla if you whistle, boo.

- Of course the black man gets injured. Elyan, you're going to be put through the paces after this is done, get you some proper training!

- Why hasn't Merlin used magic to tip the cup over yet? Or, why hasn't Lance been shoving the guards at Merlin to stab with Excalibur?  Maybe Guinevere should've come along...

- UGH, MERLIN! Seriously?

- No, I'm REALLY not liking Elyan useless. I'm insulted.

- GAIUS! Straight forgot he had magic, yo.

- Badass Morgause...done in by an octegenarian (but hopefully not permanently).

- So now Morgana's a harpy?

- Why is Uther still alive? (ilu ASH)

- Merlin is the captain of SS A/G and he's tooting that horn, bb!

- The slow motion is killing me (and not in a good way).

- But that is SMEXAY, GOTDAMN!

- Merlin's going to the lake. $5 says so.

- THE SWORD IN THE MF STONE! *hands the universe $5, this is EPICALLY BETTER*

- But damn, the same TWO PEOPLE still know Merlin's magical? I need that number to increase  AT LEAST by two (and the which two are Guinevere & Arthur, tyvm)


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