Aug 10, 2010 05:50
Another Lover, except this time it had a historical feel to it, like it was an art-deco something something. We were both servants and we were looking for something to save our hides (I blame watching Masterpiece Theater Mysteries on Sunday) and we were rifling through a medicine cabinet. And then suddenly it turned into a cabin on a cruise ship (but with that same art-deco feel) and we were about to...have some fun when someone else came down to get us. He made some sort of excuse to her (I was hidden in a very spacious bathroom--how that happened, dunno) and I heard her laugh at the incredulity of it all, but she didn't keep searching. After that bit, I woke up.
I don't know. I'd blame the Nyquil, except I'd taken that last night and don't remember dreaming about anything. At least I can breathe much easier this morning.