Talking about the world... you know it's not doing great lately.
So if you feel you're lucky, all cosy and safty and want to give a paw to help our fellow pets in NOLA...
Please read what our good good friends from
Paws_and_Effect have to say:
For the next three weeks, all revenue generated by the
Paws_and_Effect_Boutique_at_CafePress will be donated to two organizations helping the animal survivors of Hurricane Katrina.
Noah's_Wish, a not-for-profit animal welfare organization whose mission is to keep animals alive during disasters. They are the only organization that has made the commitment to just focus on disaster relief work for animals. Noah's Wish helps animals to survive disasters by getting them the care and services they need. They are currently working to help the animal victims of Hurricane Katrina. To see the Noah's Wish website,
click_here The
Humane_Society_of_Northwest_Louisiana has partnered with the Louisiana Veterinary Medical
Association to create a large, full-staffed emergency shelter for pets of evacuees. They are doing this at no charge.
The shelter is located at the LSU-Shreveport campus in southeast Shreveport, LA.
click_here to view a Google Map with directions, or call the Humane Society at 318-219-PETS for directions.
Humane_Society_of_Northwest_Louisiana_website has more information about the organization, as well as a link for making direct donations.
There has been a great deal of focus on relief efforts for people, and we are grateful for that. However, many of us don't think about the fact that this disaster affects pets and livestock, too. Many times, animals can't be taken to public shelters and are left behind during evacuation. Or worse, sometimes people stay behind even when they SHOULD evacuate because there's no way they can take their pets or livestock with them.
Wild animals have a way of knowing that something like a hurricane is coming, and they head for the hills or do whatever their instincts tell them to do to survive. Domestic animals rarely have that choice.
Please feel free to spread this information and link to this post if you're so inclined.