I'm back! And sitting upstairs in my bathrobe (freshly showered) with my mom who is watching Season 3 of Weeds.
I have pictures OF the cabin (and a wicked bruise on my leg courtesy of Erik George) but my camera batteries are dead, so....later. Nice, relaxing weekend, indeed!
I felt like a powerful she-man (?) climbing up the rope ladder onto the water trampoline. It was a good feeling especially since Erik had a harder time with it, and my mom and Mary gave up after 10 minutes and just avoided the thing all together. I HAVE THE LEG AND ARM STRENGTH OF A COUGAR. It wasn't very bouncy, and jumping off was difficult (I landed on my side/face a lot), so the best part was climbing the ladder.
Loaded Questions is a fun game to play with your sister, her husband, and your two neighbor boy best pals. At least 75% of the time their answers for me had to do with Harry Potter.
-"Hogwarts" (Aaron: What the hell is that, something you get from sleeping with pigs?)
-Q: What national emergency would the President call upon (Rachel) for help with? Erik's A: Dementors in Little Whinging
-Q: Which celebrity does not deserve to be a celebrity? Amy's A: Cliffton..something The Actor Who Plays Harry Potter
And so forth. I take it all in stride.
The campfires were cozy and funny and drunky and I love looking at stars. Even with Mary George absolutely howling, "A SHOOTING STAR, DID YOU SEE IT, DID YOU SEE IT?". And that's before she was drunk, ha.
On the ride into Webster for dinner Saturday night (10 of us in the 9person suburban):
Mom: *reads a sign* Hey, a Christian Garage Sale!
Me: A "Christian Garage" Sale or a Christian "Garage Sale"? *complete with air-quotes*
Mom: Oh, shut up with the Arrested Development, I know, I'm the one who made you watch it when it was on t.v!
Crap, I shouldn't be updating when I am going to a jazz thing with Claire in a few minutes. Must get dressed!
p.s I caught up on all your entries while I ate a delicious dinner of branflakes, yogurt, and berries, mixed like a parfaitish thing. I didn't comment much, but I ♥ you all. Especially
jeb112, you baldy. APARTMENTS?! news, soon please.