Jan 12, 2009 09:44
I've decided that random large family dinners can be alright as long as i can control which family members come.
Sometime Friday night/early Saturday morning my freezer/fridge stopped working and started pumping out hot air instead of cooled air. So everything in my freezer either melted/ruined or thawed. SO the 17 lb turkey i got as my "Christmas bonus" from work either had to be cooked or thrown out. After putting it in the sink of water to finish thawing we went to the grocery store and bought stuff to go with a turkey and invited our parents and siblings over.
It turned out to be a great evening. We watched a few movies while the turkey baked and ate and then watched another movie while eating peach cobbler (mmm mmm, love cobbler). Unfortunately there was no ice cream to go with the cobbler but we all adapted.
But yes as long as i can control who comes over we can actually have a nice time and i got to show everyone my awesome new square plates. The down side is that my mom opened a cabinet and saw where Justin had stashed all of our liquor so that it didn't get the warm freezer smell and we got a lecture about drinking.
So today i'm cleaning out underneath and around it the land lord said he should have another fridge for us by the end of the week. I didn't think that 22 lbs of ice--melted into water-- could be so much water that has gotten every where. noticed today it went under the bookcase in the kitchen. so i'm moving everything out and mopping. 1 year worth of dust + 22lbs of water = nasty looking mud underneath a fridge.