Avoiding purchases

Jan 09, 2012 11:36

I wanted to get out of the house on Saturday, so my friend and I went to Target. We saw many cute little girl clothes and one, clearance priced (my weakness), shirt for my son. It was less than $4 and fit his style perfectly, they even had one in his size. It was really difficult, but I left it in the store. One less item to fill our house, and $4 more in our account. It doesn't sound like much, but it is a start. I did get a drink for $1.63 at a local ice cream shop. I was on my way to a meeting, and very thirsty. I know the owner and his son. I had guilt about buying food (or drink in this case) at a restaurant, but not so much as I would have had if I had bought that shirt. In other words, I was able to justify my purchase.

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