
Jan 05, 2012 08:21

Yesterday, Julian had his first guitar lesson. $10 for a little over an half hour lesson. He is psyched! I am excited that he is so ready to learn. Apparently we need to purchase a replacement string for his guitar. Other than that, we are set to go.
On another note, I don't believe in new year's resolutions, however, I have set a goal for this year.

We are not going to buy things we don't absolutely need. My hope is not to buy anything outside of food and cleaning/grooming supplies.
No clothes, no shoes, no blankets, towels, brushes, combs, accessories, decorations, cars, etc. Just what we absolutely need.
So far, I bought a pair of yoga pants for me.
It looks like I will be buying a guitar string, and my husband wants to buy a new minivan for me (we have two cars right now, he wants to trade one in for the van), and purchase a whole house humidifier.
The van costs around $24k used, and our car is valued around $13k.
I think it would be better to sell my current car and just keep the one he uses to go to work. That way, we could save insurance, fuel and upkeep costs.
The whh costs about $600 installed. We might call it a necessity, because everyone gets so dried out in the winter.
My end goal is to lessen the amount of stuff in our home, and to pay off our outstanding credit card debt. We have about $10k to pay off. I really believe we can pay it off this year if we don't buy anything else.
I also want to eat in, rather than going to restaurants. It is better for the kids, for our bank accounts, and for our health.
I'm hoping to stay up to date on my posts about this.

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