Jul 06, 2009 09:58
Yesterday Julian wanted to learn to spell "octopus", he did not tell us of his goal, he just went into his room and worked on it. He pulled out his journal (so glad we had made on for him!) and a crayon and started working. He sounded out the word and wrote down the letters he heard. "Otbs" Say it...pretty impressive for a kid who can't read yet...or can he? Sometimes he surprises us.
Serenity began saying "Mom" on the 4th of July. she stresses the m at both ends of the word, just like we taught her...we thought we were just trying to get her to say the "m" sound. I love it! After months of endless "Da, da, da, da" it is nice to finally hear "Mmmmmmommmmmm".
We just got back from a week long vacation yesterday and I really need to update about it, because it was amazing, but right now I think I hear the baby waking up.