Ju fed Serenity

Oct 15, 2008 17:16

Ju heard me pumping and came in to find out what was going on. HE figured it out quickly, asking, "Are you filling that bottle with your milk for Sereity?"
I answered affirmatively. He watched as I placed the newly filled bottle on the table and set to filling a second one. His gaze was so intent on that bottle that I had to ask, "Do you want to try some?" "Sure" he said, then he thought better of it and asked if maybe he could just smell it, since "that milk is for babies."
He smelled it, no smell. He asked if he could help me feed her (for some reason she was refusing the breast this morning, things are fine now). I said he could and he sat in the big comfy chair, held her carefully wih his arm propped on the blanket Gumby made for the twins (our twins), and he proceeded to do a beautiful job of feeding the baby. I took pics. Can't seem to find the camera at the moment (hoping I did not leave it in his reach, he loves it!), or I would post one.
I am so proud of the way my boy loves his baby sister!

feeding, children, proud mama, siblings, nursing

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