
Oct 06, 2011 15:33

I've been having really freaky re-occuring dreams about being chased lately. I'm swimming for an hour to try to escape the wrath of someone whom I've wronged who've turned basically the whole country against me. Then I realise this person has captured someone I love and threaten to kill them. I go and shoot the evil person, only to wake up (in the dream, very Inception) to realise it was a dream. Then I'm outside the church where my beloved is kept captured by the evil person and it seems like it's some kind of fucked up cult. Then I raise my gun and storm through the door to the church when it happends. I get completely concious of the fact that I'm going to kill someone, and the thought of becoming a murder is unbearable. So I've walked into my death.

Then I wake up.
Scared shitless.

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