Yesterday was madness you guys!
First I went to Amanda's moving-in party (where she gave everyone free white wine and champagne) and then I was off to Aya's house-party with free redwine and beer.
I was pretty drunk.
I made out with a boy with glasses who tried to have his hands all over me.
I slapped (playfully, mind, I'm not violent) about 3 guys whom I'd never met before.
A guy told me he was worried I wouldn't get boyfriends if I kept on hangig out with gay guys. I had a really good comeback for that though.
Philip, my friend from KiH was there and preached to other people about how fantastic a girl I am and how more girls should look up to me and men should have such gratitude that I let them be arould me. He was also drunk enough(he's really religious so I didn't think he drank) to tell me how much I fascinate him and how he loves my long hair (and how it falls over my shoulders), my intense blue eyes and my (apparently) stunningly sexy hips. These are facts none of the guys around denied either, and this was the first time I met most of them.
Ego-boost? Yes sir!
I'll tell you more another time....
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