Oct 06, 2009 16:24
I am so embarrassing. So my plans for today was going to a pub quiz with my mate David. Turns out he wrote to me on facebook not asking me to go to the quiz with him but to meet him any other day this week but tuesday. When I re-read the message he wrote I badly wanted to slap myself in the face. But he also asked me to go to the Hatcham Halloween Prom gig with him on the 28th so I hope he likes me even if totally I fucked up the messages I wrote back to him. I'm so embarrassing. *facepalm*
Instead me and Emma are going to spend quality time at home this evening. I dunno what she wants to do, but I guess we'll end up watching movies and eating or something.
I got three great phonecalls today;
The first one was from Job Centre Plus office in Stratford that told me that they are going to process my claim for benifits today. I wish wish wish that my claim goes through and that I'll get money by friday, cause that would mean that I'm sorted with both rent and hanging out with Salle, Cattis and Jokke when they're here. Also I might be able to buy flight-tickets home to Sweden for (preferably) December so I can be over for a week or two over PJ's birthday and celebrate a bit of christmas in Sweden and give my dad and brother some late birthday gifts. Which I still haven't bought them. I'm buying my dad a book though, for sure, called "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" which is supposed to be good. And I'm also bringing home some really cheap cookies for them. I really owe it too them.
The second phonecall was from my dad. He was really impressed that the british government gave me back my passport yesterday, saying jokingly that he thought they would have kept it forever. He's also planning to send me over some liqourice but being really slow at it, so I'm hoping that I'll get it soon. Because I fucking miss salt-liqourice.
The third phonecall was the one that made me the most happy. It was Solberg that called saying she'll be coming down sometime early in November. I can't wait! It'll be so much fun having her over again and I miss her so insanely much. <3 And I'm so happy that she's reading my blog, even if it might be full of babbling non-sense. :P
Also I was at the job centre "signing on" which riddiculously took half an hour of waiting before my time arrived. I love Job Centre Plus though. I love the atmosphere of all those people helping everyone there to find jobs and I loved sitting there waiting in a couch today with some girl sitting on my sweater (which was a bit annoying, but still) and watching the transvestite woman there, who helped me the first time I went there, help another person to understand the system with Job Seekers Allowance.
xx Caroline