Oct 26, 2008 12:59
Okay, so tonight I kinda had two dreams in one. Was really weird.
First I dreamt that I was going to get weed and I was in Korshamn (The Crossharbour, close to where I live) swimming with Andreas, Sandra and Amanda....
Then all of a sudden I had this huge bag of weed, that I think I was walking around carrying in my underwear at school, talking to Johanna. Then I went home, rolling up a joint and started smoking it by the window in my room, leaning out the window and stuying the nature and how beautiful everything was all of a sudden. Like, I saw these trees that it looked like it was raining on and everything just flowed and looked amazingly beautiful. Really weird.
Also I got a letter with the weed, which apparently was from my old bestfriend from highschool Madde's mom, saying stuff like "Madde started doing the drugs so early and you shouldn't and I'll help you guys stop if you want help. Signed Madde's mom.
In the next dream I was at school my old school, in Kullavik (my hometown), and for some reason Ida and Stina came to it. It was warm and summer and we went to the footballfield which apparently was filled with high grass now. All of a sudden Ida tells me that she sees a bear by the footballfield on the road that goes from school home to Gustav by a small pond. Stina, Ida and I start panicking cause the big big bear start walking towards us and the other students there, and we run into the main building at school called The Rock. We stay there for a while, Ida goes into the school-cafeteria where more people are panicking about the bear, then Stina and I see that people are taking pictures of the wild bear on one side of The Rock. So we quickly fetch Ida, knowing that the bear was mainly after the three of us.
Ida tells me and Stina that since we're going to run home to my place, we might as well take the long way around to get there and avoid the big brown bear. We were all panicky and stuff, it's so weird.
Then I woke up.
Analyse those dreams if you can!
warm weather,