Apr 28, 2005 21:14
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RITA!!!! HOPE YOU HAVE LOTS OF FUN, BUDDY! Please get trashed for me! <3
In other news, I am positive that the most awkward question a person can ask me is: why don't you have a boyfriend? My answer this time was "cause I am special." But please, what kind of question is that? Maybe I should just say I don't believe in relationships and fuck people as I please. That might raise a few eyebrows. GOOD THING ITS TRUE.
And apparently I am a lot more cynical than I thought, someone asked me if I was "bitter" today. Who am I to complain, at least someone was talking to me! But then, of course they asked why I was bitter. Personally, I think that I was born that way. But I do like the word cynical better.
umm not to much more to say.