Ok people...if you don't join, you better watch your backs... ;)

Jun 09, 2004 12:16

Bry (almostfam0us) and I started up a Christian community a few weeks ago called vegaschristians. So if you read this, whether or not you live in Las Vegas, we would love to have you join! So stop by and check us out.

If you look at my "userinfo", you'll notice I'm a member of a GAZILLION communities. I've been promoting hard-core all morning. I'm still not done yet. I clicked on "christ" in my interests and it brought up 301 matches and I'm only through D plus some other random communities. Join it! It's already cool, but later, it's gonna be great! We're off Bry!!

On top of promoting our community like whoa, I've been faxing my resume just as hard-core. Hopefully someone will get it and call me. I've been up since 8 doing this, so hopefully it will all pay off in the end.

I've got some running round to do today so I'm going to finish this up and get ready.

off for more promoting and faxing!
I'm in a way better mood this morning/afternoon than the last few days.
I hope that this lasts.
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