May 18, 2004 19:10
It's been such a long time since I've updated. Since all 2 people that read this are used to me updating almost everyday, I'm sure you were going through withdrawals.
So much has happened since I last "spoke" with you.
I finished housesitting on Thursday and it feels sooooo weird to be home.
I really got used to the no curfew, no one to answer to, do whatever/ whenever thing I had going.
The next housesitting gig isn't until May 27 and that date CANNOT come fast enough.
Went and saw Maroon5 last night.
Whoever missed it, you really missed out. And this was the first time I was really entertained throughout the whole night. The opening acts were friggin' awesome.
Oh except for when this chick told me to stop screaming. I looked at Vanessa and said, "I didn't realize were weren't allowed to scream. I could have sworn the tickets said 'no cameras,' not 'no screaming.'" I was really expecting whatever girl said it to start something with me and for the first time... ever, I was ready for it. But she didn't so I'm cool.
Then this morning, I got scolded for being home too late.
whatever. I was at a concert. They get out late. I can't control that.
I really need to find another job so I can friggin' move out. I'm getting so tired of answering to people who are only asking about my whereabouts so they can make sure no fun is being had.
I applied at Torrid with Bry, but they haven't called. I'm kinda glad because I'm thinking about applying at Costco. They start out at $10/hr and they get full benefits after 90 days.
Maybe, if I do end up working there, it won't be as bad as I thought.
Upcoming events:
May 27: housesitting starts again for 2 weeks.
May 30: Orgy @ HOB.
June 4: A Perfect Circle @ The Joint.
June 10: housesitting ends.
June 18: JASON MRAZ @ HOB.
I'm at the computer lab, and there is a SUPER SEXY guy sitting right across from me.
Think I can stop drooling long enough to make myself look less desperate? I think not. :)
I have so much left to update about, but I don't feel like typing anymore.
So if you're lucky, I'll update later.
alright. I'm out.