Nov 24, 2003 22:08
Today wasn't bad. It started off with me getting a 64 on a math test. Good was to start the day. In English I probably got a C on the test we had today. Another great thing. Study was ok, Mat kicked me and Chris's ass in Connect Four. American History was ok, we just talked. German was decent, had an all or nothing again. Still haven't passed. I didn't have Aiding today, bummer. Chem was decent, just did some labs. I can't wait for tommorow and wensday. Tommorow I only have two real classes. I get to go see the play "Bang bang your dead" like three times tommorow. Better than school. Wensday is a half a day, I'm excited. Olivia is coming over, so it will be cool. On another note, Ang totaly violated my trust and our friendship. She did like the two things that piss me off most. I almost lost a friend because of it.
Without you, I'm Nothing......
Carve your name into my arm......