Fic: Cherry Pie

Jul 19, 2010 20:10

Title: Cherry Pie
Author:  Bamfofthelord
Rating:  G?
Genre and/or Pairing:  Crack 
Spoilers:  Possibly up to 4x03 In the beginning
Warnings:  unbeta'd and quickly written
Word Count: 112
Summary:  Dean has...odd dreams

Dean was standing in a bakery.  On his right shoulder Castiel was standing there, looking very pious.  He was wearing white robes and carrying a harp.  His wings and halo completed the ensemble.  Castiel said, "Dean, you do not need pie.  You should have some salad."
On Dean's left shoulder Cas stood there.  He wore his holy tax accountant outfit, but looked more undone.  His tie loosened, some buttons unbuttoned. And let's not forget the devil's horns on his head.  Cas gyrated while singing, "Taste so good make a grown man cry.  Sweet cherry pie, yeah!"
Dean jerked awake and noticed Castiel on the bed.  "And what were you dreaming about?" Cas asked slyly.


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