Jan 24, 2009 15:28
Benji Gilmer
Introverted or extroverted?
Extroverted. I start withering and becoming a hobo when left to my own devices. I need people around to keep me excited about living.
What are your top 5 procrastination tools?
In order from most frequent to least: internet, reading comics/manga, dvds, showers, naps
What gets your juices flowing?
Really good comics, PBR, twinkies, disney classics, my iPod, and cute girls.
What kind of comics do you like to read?
I like the superhero genre, but sadly most of the best superhero stories aren't told by the superhero companies. Humor is what gets me going more than anything else. If no good stories are present then a knock-your-socks-off art style can satisfy me.
What kind of comics do you dislike?
Anything that the writer/artist's editor thinks is good. I may have to rant a bit here to explain myself, but my big pet peeve about the big comics companies is that since they are writing characters that they didn't create. So the editors have to try to "protect" the character. As if the editor has a better idea than the person writing the fucking story. What we get is shit like Spider-man being motivated by survivor's guilt instead of him doing the right thing because he's a fucking hero making a tough choice. Anyway. I dislike editors. (Sorry editors, but seriously, wake the fuck up.)
When were you first introduced to comics?
I dunno what year it came out, but my first comic was the issue of Batman where Tim Drake becomes Robin that I got for Christmas along with some other Batman swag. The cover was red and it had this big picture of Robin dropping down in front of the Bat Signal. Robin saved Batman from Two-Face or something. Anyway, that was my first.
What were some of your first comics?
I read the Batman issue so much that mom started buying me comics every time she'd go to the drug store. The comics would vary, but the main thing I could always count on was an issue of Batman (or Detective), Iron Man, and Green Hornet (which I don't think I ever read) every month. Hence my lifelong love of those characters (except for Green Hornet).
When did you first get "The spark"?
Almost immediately after reading them. During my teens I decided to become a rockstar instead, but as soon as I realized that was never going to happen I found my way back to comics. Who knows. Maybe I'll be a rockstar too.
What is your favorite animated movie?
This one's tough, but I have to go with Sleeping Beauty for the art alone. Every scene is thoroughly burned into my brain.
What is your favorite anime series?
Zeta Gundam definitely. Most epic series of all time at it's absolute peak.
What kind of comics do you make?
Comedies. Making people laugh is the only thing I really know how to do that this point.
When did you first start making comics?
I wrote my first comics in 12 or 13. They were a team of cats that were called B.A.D. CATS. I can't remember what B.A.D. stood for. They were basically a SWAT Kats ripoff. I also drew a superhero-type comic about Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead.
I'm still not published, but fuck you, I'll get to it.
What are your favorite comic artists right now?
Eiichiro Oda, Kubonouchi Eisaku, and Akira Toryama (Dut not his DBZ stuff) are the dudes whose stuff is really motivating me lately. The constants are still Paul Pope, Travis Charest, Art Adams, Mike Allred, Corey Lewis, Bryan Lee O'Malley, and Brandon Graham... Bah. Too many favorites. I think I like creators more than I like comic characters.