Jul 07, 2010 18:05
I'd just like to point that Dragon Ball Z is a pox on societies ass. It creates an unrealistic expectation of what anime is for non-anime viewers and colors their opinions on what anime is truly all about.
The entire world (read: normal people) would rather watch something entertaining, and fans of DBZ are anti-fun. They'd rather watch long, drawn out speeches and thinking about fighting than an actual battle. DBZ fans are so far removed from reality, that they forsake quick-moving stories for a series that actually slows down time, not to show super quick moves (most of DBZ fighting is rather clumsily animated pap) but to show characters thinking for episodes on end.
DBZ is "fun" in the same way that driving rusty nails through your dick is. There is nothing "fun" about it. DRAGONBALL PROPER is fun. It features these crazy elements called "jokes", and even ventures into the territory of having "characters".
Also, comments disabled. Because I naively believe that not having to defend my point of view makes my argument stronger
stfu corey,
dbz sucks