In the drabble universe...

May 13, 2006 14:27

As I waited through my son's Pa Kua class, another idea popped into my head. This is one more for deemichelle for being so kind.

Please note, this is the distaff side of Legacy. Both are Post-HBP, and this implies a character death.


Reaching for the quill, his hand trembled.

How had it come to this? Dishonored, disgraced, defeated.

A paroxysm shook him, blood spattering dun raiment and the parchment awaiting his signature.

Cold stone walls mocked, immutable… so different from the opulence he’d relished.

Grayish strands of hair shrouded his haggard face, and once vibrant blue eyes were haunted and pale.

He dipped the quill in carnelian ink.

Was his choice adequate? Would it communicate the one thing which mattered most?

They allowed only a single bequest.

His son would know… would understand.

With two words he acknowledged his fate.

Lucius Malfoy


All standard disclaimers apply, this isn't mine, and I don't claim anything but the order and choice of the words.


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