Without going into a huge dissertation as to why I'm endlesssly fascinated with Snape as a character, or the pairing of Severus and Hermione, I have, nonetheless, wanted to brainwash persuade some of my f-list that it is a viable, rewarding 'ship to read. Not wanting to proselytize too loudly or too wildly, the following is a quick encapsulation
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Comments 75
In my case you're preaching to a converted, slavish devotee :o)
I really liked the points you put forward for this ship. I couldn't have put it better myself.
I'll confess to a weakness of mine concerning this ship: I love it when Snape becomes agressively possessive of Hermione. With all he went through in his life I think it's totally plausible that he'd be desperate to keep her.
I'm off to read the fics you recommended. I'm shocked to see that I've only read one of them! I'm about to correct that directly.
I, too, think it's entirely plausible to present Severus as highly protective/possessive of Hermione. I think, also, that she's assertive enough to know when enough-is-enough and keep his tendencies in line, even as she's insecure enough to find it deeply reassuring.
::hugs you in return::
You rock for spreading the love!! I admire your ability to do so so clearly and concisely, too--I tried making a rec list of S/Hr fics and it wound up way too incredibly long and full of me fangirling, so it sits dejected in my My Documents folder.
I've been asked several times for HG/SS recs, and I've given one or two before... but I have so many favorites, and the list is so long I would overwhelm the uninitiated. I finally decided to use a select few to showcase the possibilities, and I'm so glad I did.
I'd love to see your recs at some point. I wonder how many of them I've read.
And I love the snark--the battle of wits you often see.
I've read all the above, and loved them, especially A Terrible Temptation and Soul Searching which would ( ... )
Needless to say, I agree with all your points.
I, too, have read the three you include, and they're all excellent examples, and I think Survivors is my favorite post-HBP Snape/Hermione story. It's simply wonderful.
I don't think FFI will ever be completed, and it saddens me to think that one of the first, the best, Snape characterizations will languish incomplete.
For a long time, The Fire and the Rose was my only favorite body-swap story, but then I found A Terrible Temptation, and it became the ultimate in body-swaps for me. Still, there is a moment in The Fire and the Rose which has the ability to make my heart clench, even after all this time. In that moment, Hermione is completely alone, isolated from her friends or any source of comfort... and in the face of her fears and the terrors she's experienced she has nowhere to turn. At that precise moment, Severus arrives and comforts her. IMHO, it's the defining moment of the story ( ... )
It's another that would be high on any rec list of my fav HG/SS for any number of reasons--though I think particularly as a good represenative of a fic where Snape and Hermione are more akin to peers. Though I understand why you chose "Spoils of War" instead--it's nice to choose shorter fics as an intro--and that fic nails the dynamics quite well--though I think this is one pairing that can use more time to sell people on it.
I don't think FFI will ever be completed, and it saddens me to think that one of the first, the best, Snape characterizations will languish incomplete.It was updated last August though after a lapse of two years--so there's hope I think ( ... )
I specifically chose it as a post-HBP, one-shot, but I do agree with you about the long-form. It's exactly what one needs to appreciate the ship.
I'm so afraid someone won't like my recs, and that would be an injustice to the ship, because its so diverse.
It's actually one of the reasons I haven't rec'd many HG/SS stories in the past, but I've been asked several times recently and the choices have been bouncing around in my head for awhile now.
Conversely, there's a prominant HG/SS author I won't name for obvious reasons whose stories leave me absolutely cold... I found myself having that reaction to 'The Twenty.' I know it's a favorite of yours, and many others whose opinions I respect. I just can't get into it. I've attempted to read it more than a dozen times, and I keep stumbling against the ( ... )
Why aren't we 'friended' yet? ::scurries off to friend you::
And you're most welcome. I think your story is beautifully representative of the 'ship, not to mention a delight to read on its own merits.
I'm also kind of hoping that you're so inspired by all this shippiness that we get some more of 'The Summoning'. It's one of my all time favourites.
Thank you for this post!
Ah... 'The Summoning.' Thanks for the compliment. ::blushes a little:: As soon as I finish the polish on 'A Quest of Paladins,' 'The Summoning' is the only thing, aside from completing an original short (6K) and the documentary which is on my plate at this point.
Would you like a little teaser? In the next two chapters there will be breakfast with Voldemort, Ginny writing Hermione a letter, Remus and Harry have a chat with Sirius, Hermione gets some outside tuition, Severus is not happy, and I get to write a battle sequence I've been itching to write for a year! I can hardly wait!
I can't tell you how fast I'm twirling now!
More power to your elbow, as they say.
Your Snoopy icon is rather precious, and you're pretty cute when you twirl!
Thanks for the power... the elbow needs it!
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